Thursday, February 4, 2016

English - 3 Tense dasar yang harus dipahami

A. Simple Present Tense

  • The purpose of simple present tense is:
          a. To show habitual actions.
              e.g.: - Tina goes to school by bus
                      - I never watch horror movies
          b. To show general facts.
               e.g.: - The Sun rises in the East
                       - Babies sleep ten hours a day
                       - Penguins live in Antarctica

  • The form:
      (+) S + V + es/s + O + Adv
      (-) S + Doesn't/don't + O + Adv
      (?) Does/do + S + O + Adv?

He, she, it ---> V+es/s
I, you, they, we ---> V1

  • Example:
      1. A cat ______ a tree easily.(climb)
     Answer: A cat climbs a tree easily. 
      2. Laila and I ______ the same hobby.(have)
     Answer: Laila and I have the same hobby. 

B. Present Continuous Tense

  • The purpose of present continuous tense is to talk about activities that are still in progress now. Do not use it with these verbs: like, hate, wants, know, understand, forget and agree. These verbs are not activities. Use present simple with these verbs: read, write, study, etc. 
  • The form:
     (+) S + to be + V-ing + O + Adv
     (-) S + to be + not + V-ing + O + Adv
     (?) To be + S + V-ing + O + Adv
I----> am
You, we, they----> are
He, she, it----> is

  • Example: 
1. Chairul and I ______ on our project.(work)
            Answer: Chairul and I are working on our project.
       2. Daddy _______ someone now.(call)
          Answer: Daddy is calling someone now.

C. Simple Past Tense

  • The purpose of simpe past tense is to talk about things that happened in the past.
  • The form:
      (+) S + V2 + O + Adj // S + was or were + Adj
      (-) S + didn't + V1 + O + Adj// S + (was or were)not + Adj
      (?) Did + S + V1 + O + Adj
I, he, she, it------> was
They, you, we------> were

  • Example:
     1. Ten years ago, I ______ only a baby.
         Answer: Ten years ago, I was only a baby.
     2. We _______ to school yesterday.(walk)
         Answer: We walked to school yesterday.



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