Thursday, February 25, 2016

Fungsi Gadget di Blog

Fungsi beberapa gadget di blog:

1.  Search box

Gatget ini berfungsi untuk menelusuri isi blog-blog, blogroll, atau apapun yang pernah Anda tauti ke dalam blog anda. Anda juga bisa mengatur Gatget penelusuran ini hanya untuk mencari isi yang berada di blog anda saja, hasilnya seperti dibawah ini:

Thursday, February 4, 2016

English - 3 Tense dasar yang harus dipahami

A. Simple Present Tense

  • The purpose of simple present tense is:
          a. To show habitual actions.
              e.g.: - Tina goes to school by bus
                      - I never watch horror movies
          b. To show general facts.
               e.g.: - The Sun rises in the East
                       - Babies sleep ten hours a day
                       - Penguins live in Antarctica

  • The form:
      (+) S + V + es/s + O + Adv
      (-) S + Doesn't/don't + O + Adv
      (?) Does/do + S + O + Adv?

He, she, it ---> V+es/s
I, you, they, we ---> V1

  • Example:
      1. A cat ______ a tree easily.(climb)
     Answer: A cat climbs a tree easily. 
      2. Laila and I ______ the same hobby.(have)
     Answer: Laila and I have the same hobby. 

B. Present Continuous Tense

  • The purpose of present continuous tense is to talk about activities that are still in progress now. Do not use it with these verbs: like, hate, wants, know, understand, forget and agree. These verbs are not activities. Use present simple with these verbs: read, write, study, etc.